We had the unique opportunity to collaborate on a video production with the team at SHyNE (Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental) Resource, a NSF-NNCI program led by Professor Vinayak P. Dravid. The SHyNE Resource video showcases the cutting-edge open access facilities, instrumentation, and expertise SHyNE provides to Northwestern, The University of Chicago, and external users. Through visually stunning imagery and informational interviews, the SHyNE story comes to life by highlighting the amazing resources they are providing to researchers for nanoscale characterization and fabrication.
SHyNE Resource Video from SHyNE (Soft and Hybrid Nanotechnology Experimental Resource) on YouTube
A still from the video showcasing SHyNE’s LEAP 4000X Si, an electrode atom-probe (LEAP) tomograph