Category: Technology

The Making of Talzar

Early last week Amanda Herman, (Spring 2011 Artist in Residence – Alice Kaplan, Institute for the Humanities) sent NUAMPS a message...
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Silverman Hall Tiled Display

This morning Matt Mcrory gave Harlan, Jon, Rodolfo and me a demo of the new tiled wall display over at Silverman...
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Congratulations! It’s an updated browser!

Firefox 4 is out. I can’t imagine doing work everyday without Firefox (and specifically the Firebug add-on) but over the past...
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40,000 permutations for one logo

MIT Media Lab Identity, 2011 from readyletsgo on Vimeo. I like it.
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Mobile 1st, full web version 2nd ?

One of the more interesting notions I have heard at Drupalcon has been with the idea of targeting a device first...
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@ IIT 4 the Apple MobilITTy seminar

While Jon & Dave are at Drupalcon, Rodolfo and I on the IIT campus for an Apple iPod IIT seminar. Northwestern...
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Best Student Job on Campus
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Dance Marathon, the results are in…

Over the weekend, the Dance Marathon non-profit organization raised over $1,000,000 this year – an all time high.  Over 900 students...
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Green Screen in the B180 Studio!

After months of waiting, NUAMPS finally received an opportunity to bust out the green screen.  We had a wonderful time accommodating...
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QR Codes in the wild

I was out the other night in the Printers Row neighborhood in Chicago, when I noticed this QR code.  Unfortunately it...
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First post of 2011 – A look back to 1993

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NU Homepage highlights our work with the Dunhuang Academy

For the second time in as many days the NU homepage is highlighting work coming out of NUIT A&RT NUAMPS. Of...
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