This morning Matt Mcrory gave Harlan, Jon, Rodolfo and me a demo of the new tiled wall display over at Silverman Hall. We had done some photography of Silverman during it’s construction, so it was interesting getting to see the building with people in it working and especially getting to see the tiled display wall.
The display consists of a 5 by 5 grid of 3D LCD TV’s (46in I think). It is quite impressive. Matt has been working with and developing some visualization software that will render 3D images using the display. Here are some images that I snapped with my iPhone during the demo:
The group, Rodolfo, Harlan, Jon, Matt:

The ‘desktop’ background:

A 3D visualization:

Same basic image, but with the 3D glasses in from of my iPhone camera:

9600 x 5400 pixels!!!