NUIT Desktop Videoconferencing upgrade successful: Now you can go Mobile!

NUIT Desktop Videoconferencing upgrade successful: Now you can go Mobile!

On August 13th, we upgraded the NUIT Desktop Videoconference service to version 2.1.  The upgrade corrected and enabled SSL certification on all of the portals using a Wildcard certificate.  An additional set of features were released, such as the support for Replay – the recording and webcasting component of the service – and the mobile client for iOs, which we’ve been waiting patiently for over 5 months.

Currently, there is only support for iOS devices (iPad, iPad2, iPhone) and we’re continuing our beta testing with them on the Android client, but the iOS platform was the priority.  Coincidentally, the upgrade occurred the same weekend that the mobile client was released.

The mobile client is available through the App Store (search for Vidyo).  Once the app is installed,  you’ll need to authenticate with the portal.  The portal URL is required ( along with your netid and password.

Once you log in, it will log you out from any other device (desktop, laptop, etc..) you might have been logged into.  You can add contacts, search for others on the portal and initiate calls to people or room-based videoconference systems in the directory.

We’re conducting tests with the iPad, iPad2 and iPhone in locations on and off campus, using WiFi and 3G services.  We’ll do a follow up post on the results and make recommendations, but so far it performs best with WiFi (as to be expected).  Below, connecting an HD Polycom system in our conference room, 2 iPads and the desktop client, you can see how the images and data presents itself on the mobile platform.

In the coming month we’ll be enabling recording and webcasting capabilities to specific groups that utilize the desktop videoconference service for academic and research purposes.  Other interests in recording and webcasting can be sent in to


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