This past weekend the final product of the Mellon Foundation sponsored project Imag(n)ing Shuilu’an arrived at our office. The book, printing details of all of the high resolution images and documenting the other deliverable components of the project arrived from China, Chief Editors Harlan Wallach and Wang Daowu.
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This project ran from 2005 to 2008 and involved the very high resolution digital image capture of the free standing Great Buddha Hall at the Temple of Shuilu’an China, in Lantian, Sha’anxi Province. At the end of the project we had a very high level evaluation of the project and one of the conclusions was that a book should be published expressing the results of this very digital project in a very analog way. We worked with our partners at the Xi’an Center for Conservation, and the Cultural Relics press, and they did an excellent job on the printing of this book.
At the time of our conference at the end of the project an article on the front page of the the Xi’an newspaper announced the work and the conclusions.

The digital images and navigable VR nodes can be seen online in the ArtStor repository.
Shuilu’an Temple (Northwestern University) | ARTstor
Presentations about the project: