This morning I gave a post-SIGGRAPH presentation to colleagues at A&RT. Below is an abbreviated outline of the topics that I touched on.
SIGGRAPH 2014 – Laura Kick
- SIGGRAPH – International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
- This presentation will touch on:
– Data Visualization
– Wearable Computers
– Cross-Platform Apps
– Motion Control
– Animation
A Few Benefits of SIGGRAPH
- Many direct applications of these technologies and ideas at NUIT in the short and long term
- Exposure to and exploration of new ideas, technologies, and approaches
- Industry awareness
- Inspiration and knowledge sharing with a large community of professionals
- Personal growth and stimulating creativity
Apollo 8 – Data Visualization
- Video: http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/nasa-releases-new-earthrise-simulation-video/#.VA3j8GSwK38
Data Visualization – based on the session lead by Robert Laramee
- Visualization is the nonfiction version of computer graphics
- Visualization Goals:
– Exploration (provide a tool)
– Analysis (confirm/refute hypothesis)
– Presentation (communication)
- Information Visualization
– Has no inherent geometry
– N-dimensional
– “Give a massive data set represented abstractly, are there interactive techniques that will allow us to drill down and see individual data points?” – Robert Laramee
– Many Eyes
- xwww-958.ibm.com/software/analytics/manyeyes/login
- Free Tool, but when you upload data it’s available for everyone
- Scientific Visualization
– Has an inherent geometry – all data samples are associated with a location and possibly a time coordinate (x, y, z)
– 3-dimensional
– Space and time coordinates
– Volumetric Visualization
Immersive Visualization for Science & Research – Data Visualization
- National Center for Supercomputing Applications @ University of Illinois
- Hubble 3D
- Cinematic treatment for public outreach
- Import data à Explore data à Design scene à Render
The Glass Class w/ Mark Billinghurst – Wearable Computers
- Trend: Smaller, Cheaper, More Intimate
- Hands free, always on
- Focus on location, contextual, timely information and communication
- The world is the experience
- Make sure the interface is glance-able
- Provide the least amount of interruption and let the user decide to engage or not
Gil Irizarry – Making Cross Platform Apps Quickly
- Workshop taught by Gil Irizarry, Conoa
- Using Eclipse Classic & Phonegap
- We can use HTML to create apps for multiple mobile device platforms
Daniel Plemmons – Creating 3D Interactive Apps
- How will immersive experience be impacted by technological constraints?
- What is the goal of bringing motion control into your program?
- Leap Motion (Visualizer)
- Unity 3D
Project Draco – Autodesk
How to Train Your Dragon 2 & Animation Tools in the Industry
- Start trying to create images very early on
- Why is each character entertaining?
- How do we get the tool out of the way?
- What problems are artists encountering?
- Foster collaboration where the technical side and artists see each other as peers