This week we wrapped production of The Talmud: A Methodological Introduction MOOC with Barry Wimpfheimer, a Professor of Religious Studies at Northwestern, who has been studying the Talmud for the past 25 years. In addition, Sarah Wolf, a Religious Studies PhD student and advanced scholar of the Talmud, guest lectures throughout the course. As Barry states, the Talmud MOOC is “designed to provide a basic framework for accessing one of the most important and inspirational works of literature, The Babylonian Talmud”.
Northwestern Information Technology Advanced Media Production Studio had the unique opportunity to film the course videos in the Louis & Saerree Fiedler Hillel Library at Northwestern University, which holds several editions of the Talmud and served as the perfect backdrop!
We are excited to move into post-production on the course videos which will include short animations to illustrate the text and look forward to the course launching in Spring 2016!