NU Google-Mooc team en-route to NYC for Glass pickup

NU Google-Mooc team en-route to NYC for Glass pickup

We are deep into production with Northwestern University Medill Knight Professor Owen Youngman (on the left, above) on his Coursera MOOC “Understanding Media by Understanding Google”. Mark Skala, NUIT A&RT Video Specialist is accompanying Professor Youngman to New York to document the process of being one of the very early adopters (and recipients) of Google Glass. The timing couldn’t be better, in as much as this experience will be incorporated into the online educational content being built for this course. As Professor Youngman writes in his MOOC course description:

  • What is the coolest thing I’ll learn if I take this class?Among other things, you’ll learn a new definition for the concept of “privacy”; the difference between the “best answer” and the “right answer”; and what it feels like to be “Googlized.” You’ll also learn about innovating at hyperspeed.

You’ll get the chance to see and hear about this experiences with the latest in Google wearable technology and Prof. Youngman’s reactions to Google Glass as he incorporates this in his upcoming lectures. We’ll update his Coursera promotional video once Mark get’s back to our studio here in Evanston, but here it is pre-Glass:


It’s very exciting that we have the opportunity to support this innovative effort here at Northwestern, and this visionary instructor.

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