The Northwestern University Coursera Mooc, Content Strategy for Professionals: Engaging Audiences for Your Organization, launches on Monday January 13. The course is free on Coursera and it is going to be an excellent introduction into the ways and methods content strategy can be directly applied for communication professionals. We’ve spent a lot of time working with Professor John Lavine, Dan Hoefler, and the rest of the guest faculty supporting this project over the last several months. We moved our video team out of our studio for this effort, and all the video lectures (pictured above) were shot on location. The NUIT A&RT production team worked closely in both the video production and the design and user experience of the course site itself. If you’d like to know more about the course, Professor Lavine introduces the course and the topics covered below, or you can join the Face Book page. It is going to be a great experience, sign up today.