To China

This morning I am off to China, for the equipment delivery of a new camera digitization platform, and to initiate two weeks of training for the Dunhuang Academy mural grotto digitization team. Below is a picture taken in the grottoes last summer when we were on the initial proposal development planning grant.

Harlan Wallach / Dunhuang Summer 2009

The planning grant resulted in a a successful implementation grant proposal that was awarded in January of this year. I have the honor of being the P.I. on this project, and I was joined last summer, as I will be on this trip by Stefani Foster, my project director for this implementation and training phase. We have spent the last several months working with Seno and Jiro Moussely of Modern Studio Equipment out of Los Angeles.

We’re excited about seeing the new design and fabrication put into use for the digitization efforts being initiated by the Dunhuang Academy.

The whole team that will be going with Stefani and I are NUIT A&RT employee Chris Wallace, and long time outside contractor on our Chinese projects, China veteran and photographer Jim Prinz. We will be updating the progress of our trips and activities here on thie blog over the next two weeks.

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