It’s funny how seemingly common I think my name is but often gets incorrectly listed. In all fairness my name tag was correct, but it’s things like this that add to the ever-increasing list of pseudo-nicknames friends, co-workers, and other colleagues bestow upon me (see Fernando, Jfern, Ferny, etc.). Eric gave a great talk on the work he has been doing with Blackboard integration, a topic that I am sure has interest for anyone who has worked with Blackboard. He covered the NUBlog and NUWiki, two tools currently in use for classes at Northwestern, and both Plone-based.
Next up José…

I covered some of the work NUAMPS has been doing in China, in particular the technologies that AT has developed and put into use in preserving cultural heritage. I got to expand on the talk Jonathan Smith gave a day earlier, showing the Image Viewer and Annotator in action. Needless to say the work impressed the audience in the room, and later on I was invited to reprise the presentation to some of the audience who were watching the concurrent talk being given at the symposium.
I am very honored to have represented NUAMPS and Academic Technologies at the symposium. It was a really great opportunity to see how other universities and companies are embracing this software, and I think meeting people within the community was the best part for me. It also reinforced my feeling that we should be making more of an effort to reach out and be better citizens within the Plone community. The work we have done in NUAMPS has always depended on groups of talented people working together to create tremendous work and after meeting people at the symposium I have no doubt that we can extend our Plone efforts through mutual sharing and partnerships.