Northwestern University

WGN interviews Dr. Woodruff, iExperiment

WGN interviews Dr. Woodruff, iExperiment

Dr. Teresa Woodruff, Chief, Division of Fertility Preservation at the Feinberg School of Medicine, was interviewed today by WGN News.  The story centers on the use of videoconferencing to facilitate new methods of collaborative research.

A discussion and experiment between Dr. Woodruff in her office, Dr. Min Xu in the Oncofertility Labs in Chicago, and Dr. Johan Smitz (Center of for Reproductive Medicine, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel, Brussels, Belgium) from his lab in Belgium were all using NUIT Desktop Videoconferencing services (powered by Vidyo) to bring forth a new way to conduct and transcend progress within research.

The producer and camera operator recorded the discussions in addition to a video interview with Teresa and Johan using the videoconferencing as well as a private interview with Teresa in her office.

Leveraging the immediacy of information through interactive video, live experiments involving human and animal follicles can expedite progress on an exponential scale.  Traditional methods required lab results to be compiled and published in a medical journal, taking months, even years to be available to the public.  The iExperiment project with partners in Belgium, Australia and South America is paving a new path to understand and advance the science of fertility preservation.

We were told that the story should air on Friday night (May 11th) on WGN news, which starts at 9:00 PM local time.  They also indicated it would be posted online, which we’ll add a link to when it becomes available.

Update – the video aired on June 25 and can be viewed here  

Also in the news today was a story in the Daily Northwestern which outlines and describes the iExperiment project and its benefits.

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