I’m long overdue on a post to this blog, but promise that this reintroduction will be well worth the wait. I’m very excited to post about the new Northwestern iPhone app (posted from my iPhone). Over the past few months we here at NUAMPS have had the fortune of collaborating with our colleagues at University Relations, the Northwestern Library, and NUIT on the development of a university wide mobile app for the iPhone.
As you can imagine a collaborative effort of this magnitude is wide reaching and the effort of a large collection of people here at Northwestern. Northwestern has partnered with Blackboard Mobile in an initial rollout of 8 applications for the iPhone, along with Mobile WAP presentation and a native app for the Blackberry soon to follow.
I could not speak about this application until the official launch today but wanted to post a picture of the presentation of the application earlier this week at our monthly NUIT staff meeting, given by Harlan and Janet Dobbs, director of web communications at University Relations:

One of the most extraordinary parts of this story is the speed (nine weeks!) at which all of here at Northwestern was able to collaborate and partner together on this forward looking technology. As with most mobile apps this Northwestern mobile app is somewhat of a work in progress and I am very excited to see what great future developments and extensions are in store.