This is a “blended” demonstration, a graphical depiction of lenses and frames based on different lenses on similar camera setups, and a performed demonstration in front of the screen using the instructors, to depict the camera, (Jim) a foreground sculpture (Stef), and the mural (Chris). This team will go to any length to help make these relatively complicated topics – a little more easily to understand.
I had the honor of starting the training by giving an introductory talk to our trainees. To give a bit of a history of our project, and introduce the Northwestern University team, and lay out the full scope of the three days of lectures.
Stefani did the first lecture discussing why and how these topics came to be decided on, and how the range of the issues were developed, including our visit last summer during our planning phase on this project. It was during this visit last August, where we watched the Dunhuang Digitization Team and came up with the list of topics that we would build a seminar around.
Jim did the first formal lessons. Lecturing on light and lens, and the systems for understanding how we have developed our shooting methods for grottoes documentation. The schedule of nine days is broken out by three days blocks. We have three days of classroom lecture and hands on assignments. This is followed by three days of working with the new scaffolding and rigging under supervision. The last three days, if we stay on schedule will be the three teams working in three separate grottoes independently. This should put this rather massive Dunhuang Academy digitization effort on track before we leave.