The Caenorhabditis Natural Diversity Resource (CaeNDR) provides data and tools about nematode model organisms, which are used in the fields of genetics, developmental biology, and neurobiology to study biological and genetic processes, to researchers worldwide.

Working with principal investigator Dr. Erik Andersen, MTI’s Academic Software Development team helped transform into a genetics platform which features comprehensive data about three different species of nematode model organisms, C. elegans, C. briggsae, and C. tropicalis.

On the platform, researchers are able to access data for over 4,000 Caenorhabditis strains via multiple databases. In addition, researchers have access to a suite of interactive tools which allow them to perform complex genetic analyses right from their web browser.

This NSF-grant funded project gave the Academic Software Development team the opportunity to tackle both a complex subject matter and complex technical infrastructure. In addition to visually redesigning the site and improving the site’s navigation and usability, critical improvements were made in site reliability and tool functionality, resulting in a 376% increase in user views of genetic data.


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CaeNDR, the Caenorhabditis Natural Diversity Resource

Timothy A Crombie, Ryan McKeown, Nicolas D Moya, Kathryn S Evans, Samuel J Widmayer, Vincent LaGrassa, Natalie Roman, Orzu Tursunova, Gaotian Zhang, Sophia B Gibson, Claire M Buchanan, Nicole M Roberto, Rodolfo Vieira, Robyn E Tanny, Erik C Andersen

(2023 Oct 19) Nucleic Acids Research

[ Article on Nucleic Acids Research | DOI | Pubmed ]
