The A&RT Green Committee and the Library Green Committee collaborated to host an Earth Day celebration on Friday! Both groups have received Green Office Certification from the Office of Sustainability and wanted to continue to raise awareness and support green efforts. The 3-hour drop-in event consisted of activities, information, and discussions surrounding composting, food, upcycling, biking, and water.

The upcycling station had examples of creative items made of re-used paper, plastic bags, and more. Here, participants could re-use old sheet music to make envelopes or gift bags.

An engaging mini-lecture on composting dove into the science of composting, provided applicable tips, and outlined many at-home options.

At the creativity with food station, staff sampled bread pudding and banana bread as examples of yummy ways to reduce food waste.

A lively conversation full of tips and stories surrounded the cycling table as many staff members cycle as a primary mode of transportation.

And at the water station, staff conducted a blind taste-test of four different bottled and un-bottled waters and then voted on which tasted the best. Results were very evenly distributed across all four types.
We’re looking forward to future sustainability projects like the upcoming joint A&RT-Library Green Book Club!