Animation Workshop for Freshman Seminar


Today, Mohammad (FSS), Brigita (AMPS), and I (AMPS) had the pleasure of presenting an animation workshop for 15 freshman taking Teri Odom’s Freshman Seminar.  The students will be creating animated informational videos about nanoparticles/nanotechnology for class.  Mohammad explained the value of storyboarding and how to plan out an animated piece.  The students then had time to create their own storyboards, to be used in the RSA-style and Stop Motion sections.

Hand drawn animation using a white board and overhead camera

Hand drawn animation on paper.



Half of the students joined Brigita to learn about RSA Animate style animation and achieving a similar effect through drawing.  They had a lot of fun drawing and recording accompanying audio.






Students discuss which storyboard to animate


Meanwhile, the other students joined me for an introduction to Stop Motion animation, using an iPhone app called Stop Motion.   Students will likely be using their phones to capture any assets not created on the computer and this app (and a time lapse one called Lapse It) is a great options.



Students recording a stop motion in class


Here is a stop motion example created for this class as well as a proof of concept for claymation using Model Magic clay.


And a second animation created by the participants of our workshop dry run:  Michael, Adam, and Irene.



The students were excited and engaged in this workshop and learned a lot! We thoroughly enjoyed preparing for and presenting this seminar.  The fun continues with Animation Part 2 this Thursday!


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