Fascinating lectures with A Day With Northwestern

Today we’re in Norris recording audio for a series of lectures at the annual A Day With Northwestern, which brings together 400+ people (many wearing purple!) to hear from and dialogue with Northwestern faculty, alumni, and each other.  We’ve been recording (and enjoying) lectures on a range of topics including “Chicago: Birthplace of the Skyscraper” (Geoffrey Baer, GC85) and “Law, Politics, and the Media” (Rikki Klieman, C70).  Working with wonderful people from the Alumni Association and Norris for these events is a lovely way to conclude a full week of shoots.

I would like to mention two other shoots from this busy week, though I sadly don’t have a photo to accompany this comment:  the Heilborn lecture series hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy featured Professor Adam Riess who won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics.  His work focuses on the expansion of the universe, more specifically the evidence that the universe is accelerating in its expansion.  I find astronomy particularly fascinating and was delighted to have the opportunity to hear (and record, using Mediasite) these talks.

Northwestern's Mariachi band serenaded the audience while educating them about the instruments and music they play (only five of those who performed - six with the penguin - are shown here).

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