As graduates, family and friends of the Class of 2012 gather this morning in Ryan Stadium for the annual Northwestern Commencement exercises, NUIT video and streaming production staff are also on location to support the live webcast of the event (in both HD and SD). This is one of three webcasts our team is handling this weekend, and one of seven total video production events we are supporting this graduation season, including events for SESP and Kellogg later today, and WCAS tomorrow.
Here are Stephen and Mike, hard at work, monitoring the outgoing streams from the stadium.
In addition, we here in NUAMPS would like to congratulate our newly graduated student employees who are receiving their degrees this weekend: Harrison Atkins, Eric Choi, Nick Gertonson, Ian Holden and Laura Kick. We wish you all the best as you begin your careers, and we thank you for your hours of hard work and dedication as part of the NUAMPS student team. Cheers!