Things I’ve learned at DrupalCon (so far)

I’m not entirely sure where to start with what I’ve learned at DrupalCon.  I have been introduced to somewhere between 10-20 new modules.  The number 1 module that I should be using but haven’t is: FEATURES! So far, not know about Features has made me feel the worst.  There are some brilliant folks here at DrupalCon, but I almost feel like not using Features is like not using Views for our Drupal sites.

The Drupal Distribution session yesterday, using Drush Make, Profiler and Features has given me some great ideas for strategies at NUAMPS.  This will give us some tremendous flexibility to ramp up our projects faster.

The second coolest session was on Jquery mobile, which doesn’t have to be applied only to Drupal, but for the work that NUAMPS does applying Jquery mobile to our projects could be huge advantage for moving to mobile sites.  This also will dove-tail nicely into some of our upcoming work.

And after the Awesomesauce session I am extremely excited for when we get to move to Drupal 7!

A few more sessions this afternoon, I’m sure I’ll post a couple more pictures and updates before the end of the day.

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